Mom Time With My New Omron Pocket Pedometer

Weee! I have a new toy! My Omron Pocket Pedometer HJ-112 arrived on Monday and I have been spending my precious mom time with it eversince. My kids thought I got myself my own mom-size tamagotchi since I’ve been banned from playing with theirs. Now that I have a new toy, I am totally sooo over tamagotchis! I love that my pedometer is smart like me. ...

Achieving Exxtasy… With Flexxation!

Boy, that was a lot of x’s! And I sure did get your attention with my catchy title, huh. Try enunciating the word with me: F-l-e-x-x-a-t-i-o-n… ten times! See how it “flexxed” your tongue? Well, I sure wished achieving exxtasy was that easy! But it’s not. So what the hell am I talking about? I’m talking about the hottest exercise in the ...

Hot Moms Use Dressed To The Nines Lip Colors

I wear my lip colors depending on my mood. I’m usually happy most of the time so I like to wear light lip colors like pink, nude, and peach. Now, when I feel angry for some reason, like I didn’t get enough sleep, or my husband’s annoying me, I like the bloody red for my lip color. I’d go for the darkest brown I can find when I’m trying to scare ...

Save Mom Time Prepping For Birthdays

It’s February, and a few months from now will be my youngest daughter’s birthday again. Preparing and organizing a birthday party is not easy and can really be stressful, especially if you’re pressed for time. So to help me prep for this year’s birthday events, I have compiled a list of strategies that made my last year’s events not only successful ...

Mom Time With Dazzle Dry

I love getting my nails done. Not only does it make my nails look good, it makes me feel good too. I love to pamper myself every now and then. I owe it to myself for working hard and I absolutely deserve it. However, I’ve been noticing lately that my nails turn yellow whenever I remove the nail polish. Totally not a pretty site. Being quite the researcher ...