Sautéed Pacific Rockfish with 
Cherry Tomatoes alla Primavera

First we need to take:

  • 1 Pacific rockfish fillet
  • fresh cherry tomatoes, sliced in half (about 8)
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • shiitake mushrooms (about 3, sliced)
  • green onions (1, sliced)
  • dry white wine (3 oz.)
  • chicken stock or fish stock (4 oz.)
  • butter (1 Tbsp.)
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • olive oil.

In a medium-size skillet, heat some olive oil and when hot, place the rockfish fillet in the pan. Season with salt and pepper. Lower the heat to medium and sauté on each side for about 3 minutes. Remove from pan and keep warm. Discard oil. In the same pan, add a drizzle of olive oil and place the green onions, shiitake mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, minced garlic, and salt and pepper and allow to sauté for about 2 minutes on medium heat, then add the white wine to deglaze the pan. Allow the wine to reduce to almost half and add the chicken or fish stock. Allow to cook for about 2 more minutes and then add the butter to finish the sauce. In a warm plate, place the sautéed fillet and then ladle the vegetable sauce on top of the fish. Serve with a side of any sautéed seasonal vegetables.

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Cherry Tomatoes alla Primavera"

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