Tag "mom tips"

Mom Time With My Little Fashionistas

As young as they are, both my 7 year old and 4 year old daughters are so into fashion these days. Not that they would demand that I buy them stuff. No, they’re not little brats. They are actually very creative and would literally make a fashion statement out of what they have at home – be it clothes, shoes, accessories, etc. They love to play dress ups. ...

Mom Time With Dazzle Dry

I love getting my nails done. Not only does it make my nails look good, it makes me feel good too. I love to pamper myself every now and then. I owe it to myself for working hard and I absolutely deserve it. However, I’ve been noticing lately that my nails turn yellow whenever I remove the nail polish. Totally not a pretty site. Being quite the researcher ...

Make Room For A Happy New You

It’s new year. Everybody’s busy making new goals and priorities for 2009. Everyone, except me. I feel weird. Usually, I would have something listed in my pda. But not this year. Somehow, I found myself busy and obsessed with de-cluttering! I’ve been throwing a lot of stuff — mostly papers from my office in the past couple of days. Have ...

Are You Ignorant Or Enlightened?

There are two states of being: the state of ignorance and the state of enlightenment. People who live in ignorance are not simply aware that their thoughts and actions create their reality. They continue to think and speak negatively and have no idea why they always get what they don’t want in life. They ALWAYS blame others for their unhappiness. Those ...

Mom Tips For A Hotter You

In our quest for becoming the best moms that we can be, we tend to focus our time and energy in taking care of the kids and the whole family, leaving our needs the least of our priorities. This routine drains our energy, health, and confidence, leaving us feeling frumpy — the farthest thing from feeling sexy! Here are some mom tips on how you can gain ...

How to reduce the carbon dioxide footprint?

As promised, here are 10 simple things you can start incorporating into your lifestyle to reduce your carbon dioxide footprint courtesy of climatecrisis.net Change your lights. Replacing one regular lightbulb with a compact flourescent one will save about 150 pounds of carbon dioxide a year. Drive Less. You’ll save one pound of carbon dioxide for every ...

Mom Tips For Holiday Shopping

Shopping for 40 kids, friends, and family can get really stressful. No, those 40 gifts are not for charity. They’re not for my kids’ class either. They’re for my children’s friends, and our friends’ kids — the closest ones! The ones we hang out almost every weekend. So to maintain my sanity during the holidays, I follow some basic guidelines, ...

So What’s It Gonna Be, Girl?

Ok. I just got off the phone talking to a friend. And somehow, I’m a bit irked. Why? Because you always hear her complain no matter what! Try helping her solve her issues and she have different excuses. She has every reason NOT to do what she’s claiming she wants to do. And yet, she’s whinning… Soooo totally NOT cool! Two things I’d like ...

Reduce Your CO2 Footprint

What does reducing our carbon dioxide footprint have anything to do with being a hot mom? A lot, my hot mom friends. Becoming aware of global warming, how we are contributing to it, what we can do to stop global warming, and how we can help spread the word, has a lot to do with saving the very future of our kids, our grandkids, and our civilization. To ...

The Choices That We Make

How do you normally respond when asked to do something you don’t want to do? “I have to?”, “I need to?”, “I want to?”, “I won’t?”, or “I choose to?” Many people are faced with this belief that we have limited choices in all areas of our lives. Most of the time, we feel that we are forced to do something, and so, we act on it (if we ...